Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Google Scholar

Google has launched Google Scholar, a new search engine for researchers aimed at increasing public access to academic material such as published papers, theses, technical reports, and books.

I particularly like the "cited by" feature, which provides links to other papers that have cited the original (at least the ones in Scholar's database). This type of citation analysis is an innovative variation of PubMed's invaluable "related articles" feature.

Sample Searches. Got to and enter:

Ex. 1. Heddle transfusion

Ex. 2. predictive value transfusion

Ex. 3. root cause analysis transfusion

For more information see

What's new on TraQ

Friday, November 19, 2004

TraQ has been following the UK's response to the EU Blood Directive, which extends regulation of the blood system from blood suppliers to hospital blood banks. This is similar to the situation in Canada, in which CSA Z902-04 Standards will eventually become government regulations that impact hospital transfusion services.

The UK Dept. of Health has now called for Public consultation on The Blood Safety and Quality Regulations 2005

Although the EU Directive does not specifically require accreditation, licensing or inspection of hospital blood banks, it does make them subject to several articles, including those concerning

  • PersonnelQuality Management
  • Quality system and DocumentationHaemovigilance - Traceability & Notification of serious adverse events and reactions
  • Quality and Safety of Blood and Blood Components - Storage, transport and distribution conditions
  • Data protection and confidentiality

In Canada, we do not yet know which Z902-04 clauses will become government regulations but it will be interesting see how closely they mirror the EU Directive approach. For more information, see TraQ's backgrounder on the EU Directive

What's new on TraQ

Saturday, November 13, 2004

International Woman in Transfusion Award

In 2004 three of the major transfusion medicine organizations in the world were led by women. To honour the occasion the organizations (AABB, BBTS, and ISBT) created the International Woman in Transfusion Award

It's not surprising that a year would come when women headed several major TM organizations as women are incredibly active in transfusion medicine. I encourage everyone to consider nominating one of your colleages for this new award.

As to the 3 presidents - I'm tempted to say "3 amigos"....Just kidding!

- see brief profiles on

What's new on TraQ

Friday, November 05, 2004

Transfusion medicine forums and mailing lists

One of the things people tell me about the Internet is how difficult it is to keep up with all the resources that are available. This applies to a new resource just added to TraQ's Resource Library:

On the plus side, it's great to have multiple sources of information and places to ask questions. On the downside, searching in multiple places takes time and any information found must be carefully evaluated for validity and relevance.

A rule of thumb is that moderated lists have higher quality information, which would place the CBBS e-network Forum moderated by Ira Shulman, MD at the top of the pecking order in the TraQ list. Indeed, the entire CBBS website maintained by webmasters J. Lawrence Naiman, MD and Eileen A. Selogie, MT (ASCP) SBB) is a class act!

What's new on TraQ